
Welcome to the Life of An Iowa Boy. I hope you enjoy reading about my everyday life. HAVE FUN!!! :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Worst Day of The Year... So Far

Hey,Today I experienced the worst day of my year so far. We had an Ice storm two days ago so first, On the way to the bus stop, I slipped,fell right on my butt, and slid another five feet!!! Then on my way home from the bus stop I was tackled into the snow/ice and walked the rest of the way home with a cold face. Finally, I got home and I find out, 1.) All doors are locked. 2.) The garage code is iced shut. 3.) I REALLY have to go to the bathroom! BAD!!! I started walking to my friends house to stay for a while THEN my mom shows up. Took her long enough!!! :) Well, that's what happened today. Bye!!!


  1. I will join you in the bad day buddy! We live out in the country and the bus couldn't even get to our house! So, I had to drive them to school. Yep, mighty slippery out there! You do realize your going to have a heck of a bruise right? LOL. Too bad it wasn't a shiner - you could have told all the girls "you shoulda seen the other guy!"

  2. Not a great day, Sporty. But at least you were able to walk home and didn't break anything!

  3. It's funny how bad weather can then make everything else seem that much worse, and when it's sunny and nice in the summer, even bad things seem not-so-awful! We're a funny sort, aren't we? Nice blog!

  4. You are a great writer like your Mom! Keep up the good work, hope tomorrow is a better day!!! Maybe even the best day of the year so far. It's Friday, so things can't be all bad.

  5. I loved this one Sporty! I can see your Ma being late...

    Nice job, glad you weren't hurt when you fell. A friend of mine broke her ankle in three places on the ice.
