
Welcome to the Life of An Iowa Boy. I hope you enjoy reading about my everyday life. HAVE FUN!!! :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Get to know me

My name is Sporty(identity) and I am going to tell you day after day about what happens in my life. As you can see I love playing sports with my friends.Go Purdue! Go Saints! I also like playing some video games. My family is also very sporty. My two sisters are still learning the games, and me and brother are part of the backyard team. I am the oldest of my family by the way. My dad played QB in HS and my mom...well my mom isn't very sporty...but she also has a blog called An Iowa Mom...is that cool? :) That's all for now, Bye!


  1. You'll have to get your mom to show you how to add hyper links. It's really easy. Can't wait til my girls begin to blog- they have to learn to read and spell first!

    Jody from Iowa Geek and Family Rambling

  2. Welcome to the bloggy world!

    Kellyn from FritzFacts

    Oh..and...Go Vikings!
